The consortium of the project Mutuus organised its second steering committee meeting on 9th and 10th December. The meetings were organised with hybrid modalities: some participants met in Malta, hosted by our Maltese partner, Malta Federation of Professional Associations; others connected remotely. The meeting has been, first of all, an opportunity to exchange information and discuss on the technical implementation of the project, at a stage where the preliminary phase of work package 2 has come to an end and work package 3 is about to begin. Therefore, on the one side, we addressed the tasks already accomplished in the first nine months, such as the bilateral analysis on social protection for the professional self-employed (PSE) and the feasibility study, which deals with the extension of social security schemes and the delivery of social protection by the social partners. Also, another topic of discussion was the joint opinion on the extension of social protection schemes, whose final version needed to be approved by the partners. This document aims at assessing the adequacy, equity and efficiency of social protection and its financial sustainability. On the other side, future activities too needed to be discussed. This is the case of the national seminars on social protection for the professional self-employed, which will be organised in the different countries involved in the project over the course of 2022, as well as of the draft social protection pact for the PSE, whose final version will be presented at the European conference at the end of the project.