Project objectives
A proper social protection is a pillar of the European Social Model and can be developed through an effective social dialogue involving the social partners aiming to improve the conditions of the professional self-employed (PSE).
The specific objectives refer to fundamental labour rights, innovative social dialogue and new forms of social security with a gender perspective:
- to extend social protection schemes delivered by social partners to cover the PSE;
- to enhance the role of social dialogue by developing a new approach, by adjusting to the needs of the new world of work, such as those of the self-employed;
- to use social dialogue as a tool to promote social rights, among which right to adequate social protection;
- ensure social protection coverage is adjusted to gender needs.
The project will last two years, starting from March 2021. Its activities include:
- preparatory phase: preparation of a feasibility analysis, which will identify the two elements of the social security proposal: target population and benefits to extend; the economic theory of insurance will be followed; the analysis will also include a study on existing social protection schemes delivered by social partners and addressed to the PSE;
- agreement on a joint opinion on the extension of social protection schemes by an ad-hoc committee;
- the organisation of national seminars on social protection for the PSE, in Italy, Belgium, Ireland and Malta, which will validate the joint opinion;
- the preparation of draft pacts on social protection for the PSE;
- the organisation of a European conference on social dialogue and social protection for the PSE;
- drafting and approving an implementation roadmap for the extension of social protection for the PSE, which will gather all previous results.
Expected results
The expected results are the following:
1. Extension of social protection
The extension proposal is entrenched in the concept of the European social model as interpreted by social partners and incorporated in the bilateral bodies established under Italian collective agreements.
This expected result is made up by the following intermediate results:
- agreement on the social security schemes adaptable to the different national contexts;
- feasibility analysis based on the economic theory of insurance, validation of the extension patterns by the national social partners;
- implementation roadmap for the social protection of PSE at national level.
2. Social dialogue innovation
Social dialogue is not only a means but also an end in itself, when it represents the permanent communication mechanism affecting social partners’ day-to-day relations as in the case of bilateralism.
The new economic system and the configuration of labour markets brought about by the digital transition, accompanied by major demographic changes, have reshaped the representativeness of social partners and the industrial relations system at large. Hence a new paradigm for social dialogue is needed.
To this end, the social dialogue mechanism set up through the project committee and the national seminars will be innovated by exploring new languages, a new common perspective and new policy measures.
3. Use of gender in insurance pricing
There are significant differences between women and men in their accident risk, morbidity risk and mortality risk. In the case of life insurance and annuities, the gender differentials in premiums or benefits can be explained by differences in the life expectancy of men and women. Owing to their lower mortality risk, women benefit from lower premiums on life insurance.